Бачеріков Валерій Анатолійович

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  • Документ
    Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Peptidomimetic N-Substituted Cbz-4-Hyp-Hpa-Amides as Novel Inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum
    (2017) Bacherikov, Valeriy A
    A new series of peptidomimetic N-substituted Cbz-4-Hyp-Hpa-amides were designed, synthesized, and evaluated for inhibition of the Plasmodium falciparum. Substituents on the N-atom of the amide group were selected alkyl-, allyl-, aryl-, 2-hydroxyethyl-, 2-cyanoethyl-, cyanomethyl-, 2-hydroxyethyl-, 2,2-diethoxyethyl-, or 2-ethoxy-2-oxoethylamino groups, and about of 40 new compounds were synthesized and evaluated for antiplasmodial activity in vitro. Antimalarial activity has been investigated as for the final peptide mimetics, and their immediate predecessors, carrying TBDMS or TBDPS protecting groups on 4-hydroxyproline residue and 18 derivatives exhibited toxicity against P. falciparum. Of these agents, compound 23e was shown to have potent antimalarial activity with IC50 528 ng/ml.
  • Документ
    9 - Аніліноакридини як протиракові препарати
    (2014) Бачеріков, В. А.
    В огляді розглянуто інформацію про структури, синтез і біологічну активність похідних 9-аніліноакридина, високоактивних протипухлинних препаратів, вивчених за останнє десятиліття. Розглянуто взаємовідносини структура – властивість серед лідируючих сполук – 4’-(9-акридиніламіно)метансульфон-м-анізидина (м-AMСA) і 3- (9-акридиніламіно)-5-гідроксиметіланіліна (АГМА), їх механізм біологічної дії, націлений на інгібування потрійного комплексу ДНК – Топоізомераза II – Ліки та механізми деградації і виведення з організму цих препаратів. Серед нових похідних 9-аніліноакридина обговорені гібриди АГМА і агентів, афінних до малої борозенки ДНК, таких як дістаміцин А чи нетропсин. Передбачалося, що гібридні молекули, здатні інтеркаліруватися з ДНК за допомогою аніліноакридинового фрагмента і інгібувати топоізомеразу II, так само як і кон'югуватися в малу борозенку ДНК, виявлять підвищену у багато разів селективність і відповідну високу активність, а також будуть менш сприяти виникненню резистентності в ракових клітинах. Розглянуто біологічну активність ряду 5-(9-акридиніламіно)-о, м, п-толуїдинів і 5-(9-акридиніламіно) -о, м, п-анізидинів, які були синтезовані з метою дизайну молекули протиракового агента що має високу активність і низьку токсичність. Детально обговорені модифікація молекули 9- аніліноакридина за допомогою різноманітних замісників та / або лінкерів та синтез і цитотоксичність гібридних сполук на основі 9-аніліноакридина і азотистих іпритів, приєднаних до анілінових та /або акридинових фрагментів молекул.
  • Документ
    Dr. Samokhotskiy’s method of healing inflammation by the analysis and regulation of blood electrolyte balance
    (Old City, 2015) Bacherikov, Valeriy A.; Bacherikov, Vadym V.
    An overview of a little-known method, which was discovered by Dr. Alexander S. Samokhotskiy, for treatment of gangrenous, traumatic, and postoperative inflammation, sepsis and some other diseases, was represented. Dr. A. S. Samokhotskiy carried out numerous animal experiments and clinical trials and found that application of wet bandages and/or intravenous injection of solution containing trivalent chromium ions (Cr3+), alum, resorcinol, sodium salicylate, lactate buffer, colloidal sulphur, thioglycolic acid and glutathione with adding KCl, MgCl2 , CaCl2 or NaCl solutions can heal inflammation of various etiology. Intravenous injections of particular therapeutic solution containing Na+ , K+ , Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions were administered in dependence on concentration of these ions in patient’s blood plasma. Thousands of patients, many of them with fatal afflictions, where other methods were helpless, were healed by Dr. A. S. Samokhotskiy with the help of his method. Purpose of this publication is to inform the international medical community with the Dr. A. S. Samokhotskiy’s discovery and initiate further research in this area.
  • Документ
    Synthesis and antitumor activity of 5-(9-acridinylamino)anisidine derivatives
    (2005) Bacherikov, Valeriy A.
    A series of 5-(9-acridinylamino)anisidines were synthesized by condensing methoxy-substituted 1,3-phenylenediamines (10 and 11) with 9-chloroacridine derivatives to form 5-(9-acridinylamino)-m-anisidines (AMAs, 14a–e) and 5-(9-acridinylamino)-o-anisidines (AOAs, 15a–e). 5-(9-Acridinylamino)-p-anisidines (APAs, 17a–e) were synthesized by reacting 2-methoxy-5-nitroaniline (12) with 9-anilinoacridines, followed by reduction. The cytotoxic inhibition of growth of various human tumor cells in culture, inhibitory effects against topoisomerase II, and DNA interaction of these agents were studied. The structure–activity relationship studies revealed the following degree of potency: AOAs > AMAs > APAs. They also revealed that the newly synthesized derivatives bearing CONH2NH2NMe2 and Me substituents at C4 and C5 positions of the acridine chromophore (i.e., AMA 14e, AOA 15e, and APA 17e) exhibited significant cytotoxicity against human tumor cell growth in vitro. AOA (15e) was the most potent among these derivatives, which resulted in 60% suppression of tumor volume at a dose of 20 mg/kg (Q2D · 9), intravenous injection on day 26 in nude mice bearing human breast carcinoma MX-1 xenografts.
  • Документ
    A Novel Synthetic Route for 1,2'-Binaphthalene Derivative, Analogues of Isodiospyrin
    (2003) Bacherikov, Valeriy A
    A new synthetic route for l,2’-binaphthalenes was developed. 4,5,8’-Trimethoxy-2,3’-dimeth- yl-[l,2’]-binaphthalenyl-l’-ol (20) was synthesized by aryl-aryl coupling of the prefixed aryloxy- methyl-aryl intermediate followed by reductive cleavage of the ethereal bridge. Compound 20 was further oxidized with Fremy’s salt to give 4,5,8’-trimethoxy-2,3’-dimethyl-[l,2’]-binaphthalenyl- l’,4’-dione (21). Preliminary studies showed that compound 21 was active against Leishmania mexicana (LV78) promastigotes, but was inactive against the cell growth of a variety of human tu-mor cell lines.
  • Документ
    Total Synthesis, Mechanism of Action, and Antitumor Efficacy of Camptothecin and Some of its Analogues
    (Bentham Science, 2022) Bacherikov, Valeriy A; Бачеріков, В. А.
    Over the past 55 years of research, various experimental methods have been developed for the total synthesis of the anticancer camptothecin, a potent antitumor antibiotic, and its numerous active derivatives. The discoveries made in synthetic pathways of the camptothecin heterocyclic core have contributed significantly to the theory and strategy of directed organic synthesis aimed at finding effective anticancer drugs. The synthetic, medicinal chemistry of camptothecin, the development of structures of anticancer camptothecin analogues, and the mechanism of their activity in inhibiting the growth of different types of cancers, such as lung, ovarian, breast, pancreas, and stomach cancers are analyzed. Various structural modifications in the A, B, C, D, and E-rings of the camptothecin molecule have been thoroughly studied to improve bioavailability and diminish toxicity. Modern synthetic approaches to the camptothecin analogues and several semi-synthetic methods are reviewed.