Optimization of the tourist route by solving the problem of a salesman
Shynkarenko, Larysa
Shinkarenko, Vladimir
Nezdoyminov, Sergii
Galasyuk, Svetlana
Назва журналу
ISSN журналу
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The article is devoted to the problem of constructing the optimal transport route
of a bus excursion tour of a tour operator according to the minimal length criterion. Transportation expenses are an important part of a bus tour cost, and their minimization is a
required condition for route development and planning. To solve this problem, the authors
used the tour route calculating method as a kind of transport task, namely the task of the salesman. To solve this problem, one of the
varieties of the transport problem, namely the salesman traveling problem, is applied. The essence of the traveling salesman problem
is to find the shortest route between cities, if the distances between them are known. The beginning of the route and its end coincide,
that is, the route is cyclic. The most popular in Ukraine sightseeing tours of tour operators to the Transcarpathian region are taken
for the optimization. A mathematical model of the traveling salesman problem is made to construct an optimal transport route. The
solution was found using the Microsoft Excel’s Solver add-in application program package. To solve the problem by this method, it
was reduced to a special form and additional variables were introduced. The analysis helped the tour operator to check the existing
sightseeing bus routes by the minimal length criterion. The results allowed making assumptions about the need to change some popular
routes of Ukrainian tour operators in order to reduce transport costs. The method of bus tours evaluation of tour operators according
to the minimal length criterion allows to check the tourist transportation optimality while planning the route and developing their own
tourist product. The introduction of modern digital technologies and software to optimize the territorial organization of tourist routes
is proposed, which will help tour operators of Ukraine in the design of bus tourist trips to nature and recreational locations in tourist
regions. The development of an optimal model for the transportation of tourists on the highways and the reduction of their costs for
consumption of transport services will contribute to the development of tourist trips in Ukraine. The necessity of using methods of
geolocation of tourist resources for the construction of routes for visiting natural and cultural-historical monuments and tourist centers
has been determined. The application of the proposed method will allow tour operators to reduce transport costs and, as a consequence,
the total cost of the tourist product.
Бібліографічний опис
Shinkarenko Vladimir Optimization of the tourist route by solving the problem of a salesman / Vladimir Shinkarenko, Sergii Nezdoyminov, Svetlana Galasyuk, Larysa Shynkarenko // Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology. - 2020. – Vol. 29, No 3. - P. 572-579. doi: 10.15421/112052
Ключові слова
tourist route, Transcarpathian region, tour operator, traveling salesman problem, optimization, solution search
Shinkarenko Vladimir Optimization of the tourist route by solving the problem of a salesman / Vladimir Shinkarenko, Sergii Nezdoyminov, Svetlana Galasyuk, Larysa Shynkarenko // Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology. - 2020. – Vol. 29, No 3. - P. 572-579. doi: 10.15421/112052