Голосніченко Іван Пантелійович

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  • Документ
    Установча влада на прийняття конституції держави
    (ВД «Гельветика», 2019) Голосніченко, Іван Пантелійович; Голосніченко, І. П.; Голосниченко, Иван Пантелеевич; Holosnichenko, Ivan P.; Голосніченко, Дмитро Іванович; Голосніченко, Д. І.; Holosnichenko, Dmytro I.
  • Документ
    International Legal and Philosophical Aspects of the New Protection Concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind: Philosophical and Legal Worldview
    (Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University, 2020) Радзівілл, Олександр Анатолійович; Радзівілл, О. А.; Радзивилл, Александр Анатольевич; Radzivill, Oleksandr A.; Шульженко, Федір Пилипович; Шульженко, Ф. П.; Шульженко, Федор Филиппович; Shulzhenko, Fedir P.; Голосніченко, Іван Пантелійович; Голосніченко, І. П.; Голосниченко, Иван Пантелеевич; Holosnichenko, Ivan P.; Солопенко, Валентина Василівна; Солопенко, В. В.; Солопенко, Валентина Васильевна; Solopenko, Valentyna V.; Пивовар, Юрій Ігорович; Пивовар, Ю. І.; Пивовар, Юрий Игоревич; Pyvovar, Yurii I.; Pyvovar, Yuriy
    The article is devoted to the systematize the characteristics of objects of the common heritage of mankind, to study the historical origins and connections of the concept of the common heritage of mankind with other legal categories and worldview systems, to determine the prospects of application of the concept in its legal and worldview aspects. The work is based on a set of approaches united in sociological legal consciousness, primarily historical, communicative and psychological ones, and on the methodological basis of I. Kant’s philosophy. The concept of the common heritage of mankind in the context of trans-historical development of social consciousness as an important system-making factor of societies of macro-level scales for the first time is investigated in the research. Mankind should return to its social consciousness an intersubjective relation to its planetary natural environment, that is, its inclusion in its multilevel diversity and recognition of its “subjectivity”, if not in a legal sense, then in the awareness of its complexity, self-regulatory properties, the need for its constant cognition in feedback mode – this idea should be the main new concept of protection of the common heritage of mankind.
  • Документ
    Administrative-Territorial Reform: The Experience of the Countries of Western Europe
    (IEPDP – Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ, 2020) Гаруст, Юрій Віталійович; Гаруст, Ю. В.; Гаруст, Юрий Витальевич; Harust, Yuriy V.; Дурнов, Євген Сергійович; Дурнов, Є. С.; Дурнов, Евгений Сергеевич; Durnov, Yevhen S.; Бойчук, Андрій Юрійович; Бойчук, А. Ю.; Бойчук, Андрей Юрьевич; Boichuk, Andrii Yu.; Чернеженко, Олена Миколаївна; Чернеженко, О. М.; Чернеженко, Елена Николаевна; Chernezhenko, Olena M.; Голосніченко, Іван Пантелійович; Голосніченко, І. П.; Голосниченко, Иван Пантелеевич; Holosnichenko, Ivan P.
    The relevance of this article is conditioned by the decentralization of the reform of political power in Ukraine, which presents the State with the permanent challenge of finding new ways to solve the problems of governance and governability at the district and regional level. The objective of the article was to carry out a scientific investigation on the mechanism of introduction of institutes of prefects in Ukraine, based on the experience of the main western European countries. The main research methods are general and specific, including the methods of logic, analysis and comparison of the sources consulted. The results of this study are to identify ways to introduce an institute of prefects in Ukraine. By way of conclusion, it highlights the importance of the results obtained, which is reflected in the fact that this study can serve as a basis to delineate future changes to the current legislation of Ukraine on issues of state administration, at the district and regional level, by introducing the institute of prefects.