Актуальні проблеми політики. - 2013. - Випуск 48
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Документ Органи державної виконавчої влади як суб'єкти виконання рішень Європейського Суду з прав людини в Україні(2013) Завгородній, В. А.; Завгородний, В. А.; Zavgorodnij, V.The article is sanctified to illumination of questions in relation to the system of subjects of implementation of decisions of European Court of Human Rights in Ukraine and description of their plenary powers rights.Документ Ірраціональні аспекти правової реальності у світлі юридичної антропології(2013) Завальнюк, Володимир Васильович; Завальнюк, Владимир Васильевич; Zaval'njuk, V.The article analyzes the irrational aspects of modern law. Examples of myths in social legal mentality, constitutional and sectoral legislation, legal procedures are revealed. The need to distance from a purely positivist understanding of law as a system of rational rules of conduct is concluded. Irrational aspects of the law are in some cases more powerful than rational.Документ Генеза формування концептуальних засад східного напрямку зовнішньої політики республіки Польща(2013) Яковлева, І. В.; Яковлева, И. В.; Jakovleva, I.Article is dedicated to the conceptual basis of formation of Polish foreign policy, in particular – its east. Analyzed historical, pragmatic and geopolitical dimensions of the evolution of the eastern direction of foreign policy of the Republic of Poland. It is noted that at certain stages of its genesis determined «pyastovska», «Jagiellonian», «inkorporatyvna», «federal» concept, and the concept of «Giedroyc-Myeroshevskoho», «Map-84», East European cooperation.Документ Делінквент в світлі анатомії кримінального правосуддя (до питання про цілі кримінального покарання)(2013) Ягунов, Дмитро Вікторович; Ягунов, Дмитрий Викторович; Jagunov, D.The article is focused on the goals of criminal punishment in light of the fundamental schools of criminal law, formed in late XVIII century. The emphasis is on the offender and his place in the anatomy of the criminal process.Документ Мультикультуралізм як проблема ідеологічного вибору в Україні: конфлікт логіки "модерну" з "постмодерністською" риторикою(2013) Вовк, Д.О.; Вовк, Д. О.; Vovk, D.In article analysis features of the socio-political environment in a modern and postmodern, study the existing conflict in Ukraine between the logic of modern and postmodern rhetoric, identifying trends «multiculturalism» as an element of postmodern logic in Ukraine.Документ Роль референдуму в етнополітичних процесах пострадянського простору(2013) Вітман, Костянтин Миколайович; Витман, Константин Николаевич; Vitman, K.The meaning of referendum in domestic and west ethnopolitologies, where it plays role of constructive political and legal mechanism of ethnic conflicts regulation is studied. Basing on post-Soviet referendums analysis the author made a conclusion of objective nature of referendum. The fact, that referendum takes place in most ethnopolitical processes – conflicts, autonomization, disintegration/integration proves the statement. The constructive or destructive role of referendum entirely depends on whom and for what purpose uses this political and legal mechanism.Документ Реалізація свободи особи в Стародавній Греції (політико-правові ідеї і державно-правові механізми)(2013) Вдовичин, І. Я.; Вдовичин, И. Я.; Vdovichin, І.This article examines the connection between the political practice of the state and the theoretical discourse in ancient Greece as they relate to the establishment of the idea of personal liberty. The author show the need for following a certain procedure as a way of realizing this liberty, procedures that guarantee the stability of democracy.Документ Специфіка формування молодіжних субкультур в умовах глобалізації(2013) Сурвілайте, Д. В.; Сурвилайте, Д. В.; Survilajte, D.The article investigates the specifics of the formation of youth subcultures globalization. Defined characteristics of youth subcultures at the present stage of global development. Analysis of the political dimension of the socio-cultural process.Документ Ідея реалізму в процесі сучасного політичного конструювання України(2013) Стеценко, Р. О.; Стеценко, Р. О.; Stecenko, R.In this thesis author marks the necessity of the realism phenomenon investigation as a factor of the political process. Author gives the definition of the political process category with the philosophical, legal and political points of view. Foregoing points of views discovers several phenomenon which has strong influence to the political realism realization on the Ukrainian territory.Документ Проблемні питання визнання факту перебування у трудових правовідносинах(2013) Сорочишин, Михайло Васильовивич; Сорочишин, Михаил Васильевич; Sorochishin, M.The article deals with the problematic questions of identification of labour relations existence. In the article the peculiarities of identification of labour relations existence in foreign countries are analyzed. Author makes propositions for improving provisions of Draft Labour Code.Документ Европейская бизнес-ассоциация в системе международных неправительственных экономических организаций(2013) Штуца, Виктор Николаевич; Штуца, Віктор Миколайович; Shtuca, V.The article deals with the role of international non-governmental economic organizations in contemporary economic relations on the example of the European Business Association. Indicate the status and structure of the European Business Association in Ukraine, analyzed the basic forms and directions of its activities.Документ Міжнародні стандарти ООН щодо дії кримінального процесуального закону(2013) Шкітов, О. Ф.; Шкитов, О. Ф.; Shkitov, О.The article is devoted consideration of international standards UNO in the field of action of criminal procedures law in time space and on the circle of persons. An author spares the special attention criminal procedures immunities and abolition of immunities under right international law.Документ Політична модернізація як фактор формування демократичного іміджу України(2013) Семченко, О. А.; Семченко, О. А.; Semchenko, О.The article describes the role of political modernization in a democratic state image. Analyzes the nature of the concepts of «modernization», «modernized society». It is argued that the degree of development of democratic institutions has played a leading role in the dynamic characteristics of the conditional-state image.Документ Демократичні механізми формування громадської думки як складова політичного розвитку(2013) Руженко, Л. М.; Руженко, Л. М.; Ruzhenko, L.The article discusses the mechanisms of the formation of public opinion in modern society. Determined that the mechanisms are particularly important characteristic of a democratic political system and information society.Документ Світова практика застосування концепції розводілй влад(2013) Пехник, Алевтина Валентинівна; Козьміних, Альона Віталіївна; Пехник, Алевтина Валентиновна; Козьминіх, Алена Витальевна; Pehnik, А.; Koz'minіh, А.In this article analysis of theory of partition of sovereignty in its historical aspect, taking into account world experience of this conception application is given. Practice of partition of sovereignty application is presented by such countries as the USA, France and Ukraine.Документ "Удар" В. Кличка як нова політична сила в українському політичному просторі(2013) Панасюк, В. А.; Панасюк, В. А.; Panasjuk, V.In this article the political scenarios of creation of party «BLOW» are characterized. The role of leader in a policy, the variants of the future of this party and its chairman are analysed.Документ Взаємодія форми правління та політичного режиму Української держави гетьмана П. П. Скоропадського(2013) Мокін, Ігор Сергійович; Мокин, Игорь Сергеевич; Mokin, І.In the article the correlation rule and state political regime of the Ukrainian state in 1918 and the general features of public-political regime of authoritarian democracy are defined. The fundamental priority of the monarchical form of government, especially in conditions of significant social changes is proved.Документ Процедура вступу помічників суддів адміністративного суду на державну службу в Україні(2013) Михайлов, Олександр Миколайович; Михайлов, Александр Николаевич; Mihajlov, А.A comparative analysis of concepts and types of civil servants, procedures for entering the civil service and the regulation of public service were set. The procedures for entering the civil service administrative assistant judges of the court in the previous and current legislation on the judiciary and the organizational support of the court were investigated. Attention is paid to the contradiction procedure entring assistant judge of the administrative court in accordance with the act provided for a regulation of the nature of the procedures specified by current and future laws on public service.Документ Методика здійснення іджтіхаду і вимоги до муджтахідів в мусульманському праві(2013) Мавед, Сандра Омарівна; Мавед, Сандра Омаровна; Maved, S.Ijtihad takes pride of place as a progressive method in cases where in the Quran and the Sunnah are no clear answers to the questions that arise when the economic and social conditions in the community. In this way muzhtahids are dealing with complex issues. This is done by interpreting the known sources and elimination of these new regulations. That ijtihad, which has seven degrees, Islam provides the flexibility and dynamism. To implement ijtihad the mujtahid who have knowledge of Sharia evidence (Qur'an, Sunnah, Ijma, qiyas), Arabic language, the meanings of words, scare of God, piety, are respected by the people around them.Документ Соціокультурна ідентичність як чинник підвищення ефективності політичного управління(2013) Малінін, В. В.; Малинин, В. В.; Malinin, V.The article discusses the socio-cultural identity, its place and role in the implementation of government policy and the implementation of basic democratic principles of governance. Determined that the socio-cultural identity serves an important factor in improving the efficiency of public administration in modern conditions.
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