Наукові праці Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія». Том 13
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Наукові праці Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія». Т. 13 / голов. ред. С. В. Ківалов ; МОНмолодьспорт України, НУ ОЮА. – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2013. – 600 с.
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Документ Принцип законності в процесі розвитку державного управління в Україні(2013) Журавель, Микола Володимирович; Журавель, Николай Владимирович; Zhuravel', NikolajThe article considers the main meaning of the institute of «legality» in the process of development of the state administration. The main fundamentals, on which the legality in the process of implementation of state administration is based, are investigated. The manifestations of legality in the sphere of implementation of state administration are examined.Документ Право на свободу вероисповедания сквозь призму постсекулярной парадигмы либеральной политической философии(2013) Зелинская, Наталья Анатольевна; Зелинська, Наталя Анатоліївна; Zelinskaja, Natal'jaThe current issues of protection of the right to the freedom of religion in the context of post-secular paradigm of liberal political philosophy are approached in the article. The author studies the evolution of the European Court of Human Rights practice in this field. Particular attention is paid to the decisions in the cases Lautsi and others v. Italy and Eweida and others v. the United Kingdom.Документ Ірраціональне у праві з позицій юридичної антропології(2013) Завальнюк, Володимир Васильович; Завальнюк, Владимир Васильевич; Zaval'njuk, VladimirRelevance of the topic is that the legal myths, rites, rituals, symbols are important symbolic part of a certain legal system, characterize it, demonstrate its orientation in legal understanding and perception. These phenomena have a profound anthropological sense as they adress the deeper layers of consciousness, performing not only legal orientational but legal nurturing role.Документ Особливості і тенденції розвитку регулювання транскордонних операцій з фінансовими інструментами в праві ЄС(2013) Яновська, І. П.; Janovskaja, I.The article deals with the analysis of current trends in the legal regulation of depository system in the EU, in particular the increase in technical standards in EU legislation. It also identifies problematic issues due to which markets of post-trading services are nationally-oriented, and therefore contribute little to the free movement of capital in the form of financial instruments, including securities, within the EU.Документ Фінансові основи місцевого самоврядування : стан конституціно-правового закріплення в Україні та зарубіжних країнах(2013) Якимчук, Наталія Яківна; Якимчук, Наталья Яковлевна; Jakimchuk, Natal'jaThe state of the constitutionally-legal fixing of financial principles of local self- government of Ukraine and foreign countries is investigated in this article. Offered ways of perfection of national legislation.Документ Развитие как цель : телеологическое толкование международных договоров в практике международного центра по урегулированию инвестиционных споров(2013) Якубовская, Наталья Алексеевна; Якубовська, Наталія Олексіївна; Jakubovskaja, Natal'jaThe practice of international courts in relation to interpretation of the international treaties, which regulate interstate cooperation in the field of development, in the light of object and purpose is analyzed. As an example, the practice of International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes is given. It is shown that a teleological interpretation of the 1965 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States and the number of international investment agreements has allowed the investment tribunals to conclude that foreign investments should positively contribute to economic development of states.Документ Модернізація законодавства про національні меншини в Україні(2013) Вітман, Костянтин Миколайович; Витман, Константин Николаевич; Vitman, KonstantinThe main tendencies of the modernization of national minorities' law in Ukraine are studied. The project of the Act on National Minorities in Ukraine and the Identity Right is analyzed for the purpose of correspondence to ethnopolitical safety foundations and international standards relating to the protection of national minorities' rights.Документ Напрями попередження наукового плагіату(2013) Ульянова, Галина Олексіївна; Ульянова, Галина Алексеевна; Ul'janova, GalinaThe article is devoted the scientific plagiarism. Scientific plagiarism consists in appropriation of authorship to the result of scientific activity, which is the object of the intellectual property rights. The negative consequences of scientific plagiarism and the basic directions of its warning are determined.Документ Тенденції кримінальної політики України та деякі інститути сучасного законодавства(2013) Туляков, Вячеслав Олексійович; Туляков, Вячеслав Алексеевич; Tuljakov, VjacheslavMain tendencies of modern criminal policy as taxonomy of criminal delicts and humanization of responsibility are analyzed in this article. Theoretical model of new Criminal code and separate types of criminal measures are proposed.Документ Розкриття злочинів як пізнавальна діяльність і основне завдання розслідування(2013) Тіщенко, Валерій Володимирович; Тищенко, Валерий Владимирович; Tishhenko, ValerijThe article is devoted to the criminal procedure, forensic and investigative and operational aspects of the concepts of crime detection and investigation in light of the new Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. The expediency existence and use of the concept of «solving crimes» in research, investigative and judicial practice.Документ Про наслідки невиконання податкового зобов'язання(2013) Самсін, Ігор Леонович; Самсин, Игорь Леонович; Samsin, Igor'The article examines the legal nature and the mechanism of liability for violation of tax legislation and their impact on the development of tax liability relations in general. The scientist focuses on the principle of inevitability of liability for violation of tax legislation, that actually constitutes itself the sanction of «general» legal-tax norm. It also examines peculiarities of the legal nature of a tax offense in terms of its characteristics and elemental constitution.Документ Попередження правозастосовчих помилок(2013) Прус, Е. У.; Prus, E.The article is dedicated to the highlights of state activity on the prevention enforcement mistakes by law enforcement authorities and court of Ukraine. There is the mechanism of the state in the context of ensuring the correct and unmistakable application of the law in the article.Документ Щодо необхідності врахування теорії грошових зобов'язань у практиці вирішення господарських спорів(2013) Подцерковний, Олег Петрович; Подцерковный, Олег Петрович; Podcerkovnyj, OlegArticle is devoted to the justification of the need to consider the theory of monetary obligations in dealing with commercial disputes in the economic courts of Ukraine. It is worded remarks on interpretive acts of the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine in the sphere of monetary obligations. It is given the interpretation of the concept of substitutability of money, determining the amount of penalties in economic relations, the order for payment of penalty and legitimate percents in case of violation of monetary obligations, specialization for obligations in foreign currency.Документ Філософські підходи до поняття динаміки культури(2013) Овчиннікова, Альбіна Петровна; Овчинникова, Альбина Петровна; Ovchinnikova, Al'binaThe article characterizes the dynamics of culture in the modern sense; fundamental phenomena that permeate all elements of culture and organize them into a coherent system may be revealed within complex system of cultural events of every historical epoch.Документ Право на звернення з адміністративним позовом(2013) Осадчий, Анатолій Юрійович; Осадчий, Анатолий Юрьевич; Osadchij, AnatolijThe article is devoted to the right to appeal with an administrative lawsuit as an element of the right to judicial protection in the administrative court proceedings, the circumstances, which binds of its occurrence and implementation.Документ Поняття та форми капітального будівництва в Україні(2013) Олюха, Віталій Георгійович; Олюха, Виталий Георгиевич; Oljuha, VitalijThe article investigates the features that allow to allocate a category «capital construction». It was proved the expediency of its preservation and future use. Also it was considered forms of capital construction. Was substantiated the expediency of their use in public-private partnership.Документ Изменение парадигмы методологии юриспруденции(2013) Оборотов, Юрий Николаевич; Оборотов, Юрій Миколайович; Oborotov, JurijIn modern methodology of jurisprudence there is a transition from the study the states of its object to its comprehension in changes and transformations. Hence the two subsystems of methodology of jurisprudence: subsystem facing the states of the law and the state as well as their components and aspects; and subsystem facing the changes of the law and the state in general and their constituents. These subsystems of methodology of jurisprudence receive its reflection in conceptual form, methodological approaches, methods, specific concepts. Methodology of jurisprudence should not be restricted to the methodology of legal theory. In this regard, it is an important methodological question about subject of jurisprudence. It is proposed to consider the subject of jurisprudence as complex, covering both the law and the state in their specificity, interaction and integrity. Indicative changes in the content methodology of jurisprudence are the usage of decisive importance methodological approaches that govern research strategy searches in conjunction with the law and the state. Among the most characteristic of modern development approaches: anthropological, axiological, civilization, synergistic and hermeneutic. Modern methodology of jurisprudence is pluralistic in nature alleging various approaches to the law and the state. Marked approaches allow the formation of a new paradigm methodology of jurisprudence.Документ Корреляция фидеистического и антропоморфного начал в художественном тексте(2013) Мизецкая, Вера Ярославовна; Мізецька, Віра Ярославівна; Mizeckaja, VeraThe article is devoted to the linguistic and stylistic aspects of the religious motives in the fiction. The modifications of Christ and other figures of the Bible are analyzed in detail in the novels by Ch. Aytmatov, W. Folkner, etc. The anthropomorphic characteristics of the religious images are also considered in the article. Linguistic and poetic peculiarities of the parabolic artistic form, based on the precedent text of the Bible are in the centre of the author's attention as well.Документ Про перспективи залучення молоді до участі у місцевому самоврядуванні в Україні(2013) Мішина, Наталія Вікторівна; Мишина, Наталья Викторовна; Mishina, Natal'jaThis paper contains a proposal to attract young people to participate in local government in Ukraine by given the opportunity to participate in the creation and activities of community organizations to the citizens of Ukraine who are at least 14 years and not incapacitated or deprived of the right to dispose of their income. Author claims that the additional research is needed to question the rights of minors at a general meeting of citizens in the community. The problems lye in the scope of rights advisable to give them — a limited amount of rights so that they could participate in the discussion and resolution of only matters related to community organizations, or the full range of rights that allow them to be full participants of such meetings.Документ До питання про визначення поняття та структури злочинності у фінансово-економічній сфері як елемент її кримінологічної характеристики(2013) Маслій, Ігор Володимирович; Маслий, Игорь Владимирович; Maslij, Igor'The concept of crime in financial and economic sphere is grounded and the structure of system of crimes, which should be attributed to the crimes in financial and economic sphere is proposed in the article. There proved that the crime in financial and economic sphere represents a set of acts which are: homogeneous illegal, socially dangerous, selfish, such that cause substantial material damage as a result of infringements of the established order of management of economic processes, economic development of the state, the financial security, for which criminal responsibility is contemplated. There proposed to attribute to such crimes: crimes against property, crimes in sphere of economic activity; other crimes of an economic nature.
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