** Монографії кафедри психології

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  • Документ
    Юридична психологія в обличчях: довідник.
    (Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2023) Гарькавець, Сергій Олексійович; Цільмак, Олена Миколаївна
    У виданні представлені основні відомості про провідних закордонних і вітчизняних науковців, що займалися або продовжують займатися дослідженнями юридико-психологічних проблем правозастосовної діяльності, вирішують питання психологічного забезпечення у сфері юридичної діяльності. Довідник призначений для психологів, кримінологів, соціологів та інших фахівців, які вивчають та досліджують різні аспекти юридичної психології, а також для викладачів, аспірантів і здобувачів вищої освіти та всім тим, хто цікавиться питаннями юридико-психологічного характеру.
  • Документ
    Personality-oriented motives characteristics’ specialties of today’s medical students professional activity
    (IATED Digital Library, 2021) Артьоменко, Володимир Вікторович; Артьоменко, В. В.; Артеменко, Владимир Викторович; Artomenko, Volodymyr V.; Artyomenko, Volodymyr; Цільмак, Олена Миколаївна; Цільмак, О. М.; Цильмак, Елена Николаевна; Tsilmak, Olena M.; Форманюк, Юлія Валеріївна; Форманюк, Ю. В.; Форманюк, Юлия Валерьевна; Formaniuk, Yuliia V.; Лазор, Катерина Петрівна; Лазор, К. П.; Лазор, Екатерина Петровна; Lazor, Kateryna P.
    Introduction: To provide the medical industry with competent specialists, it is important to train motivated applicants in higher medical education institutions who aspire to be highly qualified medical doctors. Educational activity is depended and determined by certain individual psychological characteristics of its subjects, among which the leading place is occupied by motivation. Objective: The aim of our research was to establish the specialties and degree development of professional activity personality-oriented motives in foreign and Ukrainian medical students. We have solved the following tasks: 1) survey of medical university students on the types of physicians’ professional activity personality-oriented motives to group them by areas (personality-oriented, personality-socially oriented and personality-professionally oriented); 2) development of a questionnaire in Google form to ensure anonymity and facilitate the medical students questionnaires results calculation of established motives’ groups degree of development for their future professional medical activities; 3) anonymous questionnaires results’ analysis and qualitative and quantitative characteristics establishment of doctors activity personally aimed motives in foreign and Ukrainian medical students; 4) identification of possible differences and specialties in the degree development of doctors’ professional activity personality-oriented motives in foreign and Ukrainian medical students Materials and methods: The main methods were - anonymous survey and anonymous questionnaire, analysis, synthesis, comparison and description of research results. We offered to take a survey 4th, 5th and 6th year students from Odessa National Medical University, totally 316 students, 158 - citizens of foreign countries and 158 - Ukrainians. Results: For both groups, while studying, the motivation to "become a doctor" has changed positively: "Yes, it has increased my motivation" - so said 6.9% of foreign respondents and 27.1% of Ukrainians; "Partly increased motivation" - was indicated by 15.2% of foreign respondents and 38.8% of Ukrainians. The majority of respondents (60.8% of foreign medical students and 67.1% of Ukrainian) made their choice to become a doctor on their own, some not by their own vocation, but by parents, a mentor, etc. 80.4% of foreigners and 72.7% of Ukrainian strive for self-development, and this will allow them to discover and enrich their personal potential; 82.9% of foreign and 75.3% of Ukrainians strive for self-improvement, which determines professional and personal growth, ensures the acquisition of professional skills by a doctor; 82.9% of respondents are motivated to constantly improve the level of professional knowledge and skills. Conclusion: Personality-oriented motives of medical activity (cognitive, personal transformation, self-realization and personal benefit) relate to personal transformations towards self-development, self-improvement, realization of one's own potential due to the updated university curriculum and the introduction of a student-centered approach. Being of significant leading importance for the majority of foreign and Ukrainian students, this makes it possible to predict that in the process of carrying out medical activities, respondents will improve themselves as professionals in the intellectual, moral and spiritual aspects and achieve acme-professionalism.