Актуальні проблеми політики. - 2011. - Випуск 41
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Документ Судноплавство як фактор забруднення морського середовища.(2011) Звягінцева, Д.С.; Звягинцева, Д.С.; Zvjaginceva, DIn this article negative displays of the navigation that harm to marine environment are analyzed. The positions of the scientists to this problem are researched. The classifi cation of negative infl uences on marine environment from navigation is offered. The attempt of differentiating of negative conse- quences from technical exploitation of the vessels and from the use of the vessels on their functional purpose is done.Документ Філософія пробації : трансформація поглядів на сутність та цілі поводження зі злочинцями (період після 1990 - х рр.).(2011) Ягунов, Д.В.; Ягунов, Д.В.; Jagunov, DThe article is focused on issues of transformation of philosophi- cal and conceptual basis of penal systems of the Western countries by the example of the probation services. The article examines from the early XXIst century.Документ Политическая стабильность и нестабильность как элемент политической системы древневосточных государств (на примере Древнего Египта).(2011) Власенко, Д.Ю.; Власенко, Д.Ю.; Vlasenko, DIn the work the questions connected with all aspects of a stable and unstable condition of political system of Ancient Egypt are considered. The expediency of studying of political system of Ancient Egypt proves, classifi cation of vari- ous conditions of political stability-instability is offered.Документ Зростання популярність ультраправих партий як загроза чинній моделі етнонаціональної політики України.(2011) Вітман, К.М.; Витман, К.Н.; Vitman, KThe growing electoral ultra rightists popularity tendency influence on the content of Ukrainian ethnonational policy is analysed in the case of their programs realization.Документ Злочинні діяння у сфері незаконного обігу наркотичних засобів за законодавством Європейського Союзу.(2011) Уманець, Т.Ю.; Уманець, Т.Ю.; Umanec', TIn the article criminal acts are analyzed in the fi eld of illegal turn of nar- cotic and psychotropic substances, foreseen by the supranational legislation of European Union.Документ .Шляхи вирішення деяких проблем на досудовому слідстві.(2011) Смоков, С.М.; Смоков, С.М.; Smokov, S.The article devoted to the controversial issue of today being on the adoption of new Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, the problems of the presumption of innocence, position of the victim, such precautionary measures as detention and sign ban, and proposals to complement and improve ment the current Criminal Procedure Code are regarded.Документ Національні меншини Одеси наприкінці ХVIII - на початку XIX ст.(2011) Шевчук - Бєла, Я.В.; Шевчук - Бела, Я.В.; Shevchuk - Bela, JaIn the article talked about settling of south edge of the Russian empire by the different groups of population (Greeks, jewries, Armenians, Germans, Bulgarians, Poland), about the ways of their arrival in a region, about confes- sions belonging, economic state of colonies and policy of the Russian govern- ment, and also determination of concept "national minority".Документ Влада в плитико - процесуальній площині розвитку : антропологічний контекст.(2011) Шабанов, М.О.; Шабанов, М.О.; Shabanov, M.Political Man is, above all, a man of power. Development of political processes begins with the development of government institutions as a result of the infl uence of the so-called human factor. The actual content of modern political power remains hidden from most outsiders. Its characteristic at all possible levels of existence is the formalism. Implementation of the phenomenon of power in the political and procedural development of the plane assumes basic components. Pressing question for consideration – development of political processes and institutes in traditional societies. In the information society of political power in an anthropological context of development is doomed to dependence on government – owned.Документ Правове регулювання оподаткування та декларування доходів українських моряків,що працюють за кордоном .(2011) Сергєєв, Ю.В.; Сергеев, Ю.В.; Sergeev, Y.The author contemplates the topical questions of the legal regulation of taxation and income declaration provided for by the Ukrainian law in force in the fi eld of merchant shipping and taxation, for Ukrainian Seafarers employed on foreign vessels.Документ Правові наслідки припинення шлюбно - сімейних правовідносин.(2011) Сафончик, О.І.; Сафончик, О.И.; Safonchik, О.Legal consequences for termination of marriage and family relations consist of termination for the future personal and property relations between the spouses or de facto spouses at the time being married or de facto being in marital relations, respectively. Termination of marriage and family relations is an important process in lives of many people, so the correct solution of emerging issues regarding its implementation will affect the former spouses, former actual spouses, their minor children, other persons on the property and property relations, regardless of the way the termination of marriage and family relations descends.Документ Сутнісно - змістовна характеристика кодексу Феодосія.(2011) Попсуєнко, Л.О.; Попсуенко, Л.О.; Popsuenko, L.The codifi cation of the right lead in East Roman (Byzantine) empire in the fi rst half of the fi fth century is the most dramatic and interesting of actions on legal system improvement of this state. Here the fi rst offi cial code of laws – the Theodosian Code – the major monument of the Byzantine right has been created. The article is devoted to pithy analysis of the Theodosian Code.Документ Сутність політичного процесу з точки зору параметричної загальної теорії систем.(2011) Польовий, Миколай Анатолійович; Полевой, Николай Анатольевич; Polevoj, N.The article is devoted to consideration of problems of political process rep- resentation in the light of methodological appliance of the parametric general theory of systems. The system of equalizations in language of ternary descrip- tion, describing the system of political process is developed.Документ Організаційно - правове забезпечення реформаційних процесів в соціально - культурній (духовній) сфері сучасної України.(2011) Пережняк, Борис Аркадиевич; Пережняк, Борис Аркадиевич; Perezhnyak, B.The article examines the organizational and legal support of reform process- es in the humanitarian part of which is the socio-cultural sphere – education, science, culture and art – at the present stage of nation-building in UkraineДокумент Адміністративний ресурс в Україні : витоки та джерела.(2011) Ніколаєнко, Н.О.; Николаенко, Н.О.; Nikolaenko, N.Basic sources and sources of origin of administrative resource are inves- tigated in Ukraine. Historical, political, economic bases of application of the forced measures and another ways are analyzed infl uences which are at disposal of organs of power.Документ Теоретичні питання застосування термінів "охорона" та "збереження" у морських природоохоронних конвенціях.(2011) Немерцалова, С.В.; Немерцалова, С.В.; Nemertsalova, S.This article is about analysis of terms "conservation" and "protection" in marine nature protection conventions. We've done conclusions about ex- pedience of the use of terms and correlation of volumes of concepts.Документ Об'єкт злочинів,що посягають на права пацієнтів,його види та ознаки.(2011) Марєєв, В.В.; Мареев, В.В.; Mareev, V.The general theoretic analysis of object of crimes, which trench upon rights for patients, his kinds and signs, is executed in the article, the looks of research workers are generalized on this problem.Документ Засоби масової комунікації як суб`єкт політичного процесу : символічний аспект.(2011) Мамонтова, Е.В.; Мамонтова, Е.В.; Mamontov, E.An attempt to expose symbolic nature of communication as the social phenomenon is carried out in the article. The specifi c of postmodern tendency of symbolizing of the world of policy lights up through description of basic functions of facilities of mass communication.Документ Особливості функціонування політичних інститутів в умовах формування інформаційного суспільства.(2011) Малишенко, Л.О.; Малишенко, Л.О; Malishenko, LIn the article the possible forms of democratic development and optimal- ity of functioning of political institutes are analyzed in modern informative society.Документ Деякі актуальні проблеми стану кримінального законодавства у галузі призначення покарання.(2011) Макаренко, А.С.; Макаренко, А.С.; Makarenko, AIn this article the state of criminal legislation in sphere of setting pun- ishment, its contradictions and defects are analyzed. The Law of Ukraine on April, 15, 2008 "About making the changes to Criminal and Criminal- Procedural codes of the Ukraine in relation to humanizing of criminal responsibility" is examined, by which the rules of setting punishment are considerably specifi ed. The special attention is concentrated on article 69¹, because this norm is an important step in realization of idea of specifi ca- tion of criminally – legal value of circumstances which commute sentence, that is perspective.Документ Легітимність влади як детермінанта соціально - політичного порядку.(2011) Левчук, І.І.; Левчук, И.И.; Liauchuk, І.In the article the concept of legitimity of power is examined in the context of socio-political order in society, their interconditionality and mechanisms of display is analyses.