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  • Документ
    Peculiarities of cyclists' respiratory adaptation to strenuous muscular activity in different training periods
    (Universitatea din Pitesti, 2022) Колумбет, Олександр Миколайович; Колумбет, О. М.; Колумбет, Александр Николаевич; Kolumbet, Oleksandr M.; Kolumbet, Alexandr; Максимович, Наталія Юріївна; Максимович, Н. Ю.; Максимович, Наталия Юрьевна; Maksymovych, Nataliia Yu.; Maximovich, Natalia; Короп, Михайло Юрійович; Короп, М. Ю.; Короп, Михаил Юрьевич; Korop, Mykhailo Yu.; Korop, Mikhail; Гамов, В’ячеслав Георгійович; Гамов, В. Г.; Гамов, Вячеслав Георгиевич; Hamov, Viacheslav H.; Gamov, Viacheslav; Баканичев, Олександр Вікторович; Баканичев, О. В.; Баканичев, Александр Викторович; Bakanychev, Oleksandr V.
    Purpose: This research aimed to reveal the peculiarities of cyclists’ respiratory adaptation to strenuous muscular activity in different periods of their preparation. Material & Methods: Highly skilled cyclists specialized in road cycling (masters of sports, international masters of sports, merited masters of sports) - 44 persons; aged 19- 25 years were studied. Indices that objectively reflected the training status of cyclists were determined. Functional fitness for important competitions was investigated. Studies were conducted three times a year in different periods of the annual cycle of preparation for major competitions. The research was carried out both under conditions of the basal metabolism, and in the dynamics of strenuous muscular activity. Results: Pulmonary ventilation (VE) at reaching maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) constituted 132.0+4.64 l.min.-1, whereas maximum tidal volume (VO2max) - 2.9+0.06 l. Oxygen cost of heart contraction (VO2/HR) ranged from 22.0 to 32.5 ml.beats-1. Further increase of cyclists’ training status during the competitive period was associated with an improvement in the economization and efficiency of the respiratory system under the conditions of the basal metabolism and standard loads. This is manifested in a decrease of respiratory frequency (f) and heart rate (HR), pulmonary and alveolar ventilation, a tendency to increase VT, a decrease of CO2 per kg of body weight, and increased oxygen utilization. Сhanges of O2 and CO2 tension peculiar for relative lung hypoventilation are noted. This is a reflection of a more favorable respiratory system adaptation to muscular activity in the competitive period compared with the transition and preparatory ones. During strenuous work in the competitive period, the maximum values of VE and VO2 per kg of body weight did not undergo statistically significant changes at a more pronounced tendency to decrease f and HR. At the same time, a significant improvement in the relation between VT and vital capacity (VC) and more rational use of VC were observed. In the most trained cyclists, VT during work constituted about 50% of VC. Conclusions: Estimation criteria for training status and functional fitness of cyclists for major competitions: high efficiency and economy of respiration; high efficiency and economy of blood circulation; capacity of oxygen utilization mechanisms for maximally long-term tension; high stability of mechanisms of maintenance of close to maximal levels of pulmonary gas exchange; high stability of respiratory system functioning.
  • Документ
    The control system for special preparedness of cyclists
    (IP Iermakov S. S., 2017) Колумбет, Олександр Миколайович; Колумбет, О. М.; Колумбет, Александр Николаевич; Kolumbet, Oleksandr M.; Kolumbet, A. N.; Дудорова, Людмила Юріївна; Дудорова, Л. Ю.; Дудорова, Людмила Юрьевна; Dudorova, Liudmyla Yu.; Бабіна, Наталя Олександрівна; Бабіна, Н. О.; Бабина, Наталья Александровна; Babina, Natalia O.; Babina, N. A.; Базилюк, Тетяна Антонівна; Базилюк, Т. А.; Базилюк, Татьяна Антоновна; Bazyliuk, Tetiana A.; Bazulyuk, T. A.; Максимович, Наталія Юріївна; Максимович, Н. Ю.; Максимович, Наталия Юрьевна; Maksymovych, Nataliia Yu.; Maximovich, N. Y.
    Purpose: to develop a system for monitoring the level of special preparedness of cyclists (specialized in individual race for 4 km) on the basis of the indicators of the cardiorespiratory system. Material: The study involved bicyclists (n=14, age 18-22 years). Results: The step-increasing load to the full allows to determine the maximum functional opportunities of the body of cyclists. The coefficient of efficiency of the functioning of the cardiovascular system is equal to the ratio of the average distance value of the pulse to the maximum value of the pulse. Using the linear regression equation, it is possible to predict the magnitude of the pulse at a given speed of movement. Conclusions: It is possible to find out the individual characteristics of athletes with the help of an indicator of the effectiveness of the functioning of the cardiovascular system. One can compare the activity of the cardiovascular system of athletes of different qualifications, different age groups, gender, level of preparedness. The degree of realization of the functionality of cyclists is calculated by a special formula and serves to monitor the training and competitive process. The results of the studies make it possible to predict the result by evaluating the level of special physical preparation.
  • Документ
    Efficiency of the bicycle operation under various tactical variants
    (IP Iermakov S. S., 2017) Колумбет, Олександр Миколайович; Колумбет, О. М.; Колумбет, Александр Николаевич; Kolumbet, Oleksandr M.; Kolumbet, A. N.; Базилюк, Тетяна Антонівна; Базилюк, Т. А.; Базилюк, Татьяна Антоновна; Bazyliuk, Tetiana A.; Bazulyuk, T. A.; Дудорова, Людмила Юріївна; Дудорова, Л. Ю.; Дудорова, Людмила Юрьевна; Dudorova, Liudmyla Yu.; Черновський, Сергій Михайлович; Черновський, С. М.; Черновский, Сергей Михайлович; Chernovskyi, Serhii M.; Максимович, Наталія Юріївна; Максимович, Н. Ю.; Максимович, Наталия Юрьевна; Maximovich, N. Y.; Maksymovych, Nataliia Yu.
    Aim: to determine the efficiency of the cyclist in various tactical options. Material: In the experiments participated athletes (n = 6) of high qualification (mean age - 19.8 ± 1.3 years, mean weight - 71.4 ± 3.5 kg). As a model of the individual pursuit race at 4 km, a five-minute pedaling on the bicycle ergometer was used. Series of loads was set on the modernized mechanical bicycle ergometer “Monark” . The five-minute bicycle ergometer test is similar to the individual pursuit race at 4 km: according to the time of the exercise; on the frequency of pedaling (110-120 rpm); on the frequency of heartbeats. Results: Tactical variants in the pursuit race at 4 km are considered. The total work in a free test was on average 106.38 ± 3.57 kJ. The operating energy consumption is on average for 379.0±16.1 kJ. The operating efficiency (economy) of the exercise attained on average for 28.0 ± 0.75%. This corresponds to the effectiveness of aerobic work of moderate power. The ratio of aerobic and anaerobic contributions to the provision of work was 77.3 and 22.7%. The smallest work was done in a test with step-increasing power. The athletes performed the closest work to the given job in the test with a variable (±15%) operating mode. The shortfall in it was on average for 0.46%. The absence of reliable differences in the economics of the work did not allow us to identify a rational variant of power distribution for an exercise lasting 5 minutes. Conclusions: Tactical options in the pursuit race for 4 km depend on the features of the power systems of the rider. When optimizing tactics, it is necessary to select an individually optimal variant of the distribution of forces at a distance.
  • Документ
    Evaluation of the speed of a complex visual-motor response in highly skilled female boxers
    (Universitatea din Pitesti, 2020) Коробейніков, Георгій Валерійович; Коробейніков, Г. В.; Коробейников, Георгий Валерьевич; Korobeinikov, Heorhii V.; Korobeynikov, Georgiy; Штанагей, Дмитро Вікторович; Штанагей, Д. В.; Штанагей, Дмитрий Викторович; Shtanahei, Dmytro V.; Shtanagey, Dmytriy; Єременко, Наталія Петрівна; Єременко, Н. П.; Еременко, Наталия Петровна; Yeremenko, Nataliia P.; Ieremenko, Natalia; Аксютін, Віктор Володимирович; Аксютін, В. В.; Аксютин, Виктор Владимирович; Aksiutin, Viktor V.; Данько, Тарас Григорович; Данько, Т. Г.; Данько, Тарас Григорьевич; Danko, Taras H.; Данько, Григорій Володимирович; Данько, Г. В.; Данько, Григорий Владимирович; Danko, Hryhorii V.; Danko, Grigoriy; Голець, Олександра Вікторівна; Голець, О. В.; Голец, Александра Викторовна; Holets, Oleksandra V.; Goletc, Aleksandra; Коробейнікова, Леся Григорівна; Коробейнікова, Л. Г.; Коробейникова, Леся Григорьевна; Korobeinikova, Lesia H.; Korobeynikova, Lesia; Максимович, Наталія Юріївна; Максимович, Н. Ю.; Максимович, Наталия Юрьевна; Maksymovych, Nataliia Yu.; Maximovich, Natalia; Дудорова, Людмила Юріївна; Дудорова, Л. Ю.; Дудорова, Людмила Юрьевна; Dudorova, Liudmyla Yu.; Dudorova, Ludmila; Колумбет, Олександр Миколайович; Колумбет, О. М.; Колумбет, Александр Николаевич; Kolumbet, Oleksandr M.; Kolumbet, Alexandr
    Purpose: determining the peculiarities of complex visual-motor response of female boxers with different types of functional asymmetry. Material: 50 highly skilled female boxers (masters of sports of international class, masters of sports). The study of female boxer psychomotor functions was designed according to a certain scheme. The motor component of motor response was examined by means of tapping test. The time of a simple and two complex visual-motor responses was determined. The study was completed by determining the identification time for visual stimuli of various degrees of complexity without a motor response. It was assumed that this will allow to consider the visual-gnostic component in a "pure" form. Such a design of the study permitted to evaluate the contribution of each component of psychomotor response to the response speed of female boxers with different types of functional hemispheric asymmetry (FHA) profile. Results:the right hand of the right-handers was found to be significantly faster than that of left-handers and, especially, ambidexters. The left hand speed of the right-handers is almost the same as that of the left-handers, whereas in ambidexters it is significantly higher. The right-handers appear to be faster during realization of complex visual-motor response than both the left-handers and ambidexters. As for the asymmetry of the legs, it is not possible to talk about the relationship between the lateralization character and the speed of the choice time. Among most of athletes the right-legged (60.0%) and the left-legged (75.0%) were in the group with a high speed of response. Conclusions:A comparison of the responses to the stimulus of the two alternatives shows that the right hand of right-handers is significantly faster than that of the left-handers and, especially, ambidexters. The speed of the left hand of the right-handers is almost the same as that of the left hand of the left-handers, and only in ambidexters it is much higher. Comparison of the responses to the stimulus of the three alternatives indicates that both the right hand and the left hand of the right-handers are significantly faster than those of athletes of the other two groups.Right-handers tend to be faster than left-handers and ambidexters during realization of a complex visual-motor response. The time of complex response in highly skilled female boxers is associated with visual lateralization. Athletes with the right dominant eye are more "speedy".