Актуальні проблеми політики. - 2011. - Випуск 43
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Документ Державний контроль якості інвестицій як інструмент інвестиційного регулювання.(2011) Злакоман, І.М.; Злакоман, И.М.; Zlakoman, I.The article is devoted to state control in the fi eld of realization of the foreign investment in Ukraine. In particular, the attention has been turned on next questions: about inalienability of state control for realization of investment projects from the general process of assistance to bringing in of the foreign investing and determination of its basic principles. Also, was made the analy- sis of development of Ukrainian legislation about foreign investments, was formulated the recommendation on the improvement of the system of state control for realization of investment projects in Ukraine.Документ Проблема врегулювання державно - церковних відносин у працях О.Ейхельмана.(2011) Турчин, Я.Б.; Турчин, Я.Б.; Turchin, Ja.The article discusses views of O. Eihelmann on resolving state-church rela- tions, spheres of public and religious life are defi ned as well as the forms of their interaction. Position of the scientist on separation of state-law norms from religious life, organization of Ukrainian Autocephalus Orthodox Church as a national one is revealed in the article. The actuality of views of O. Eihelmann in the conditions of the present formation of state in Ukraine is argued.Документ Деформації правосвідомості : їх сутність та наслідки.(2011) Ткачук, А.С.; Ткачук, А.С.; Tkachuk, AThe article considers the main deformations of legal awareness: legal in- fantilism, legal idealism (romanticism), legal dilettantism, legal demagoguery, legal nihilism, legal negativism and "degeneration" of awareness. We describe a general idea of the essence of these anomalies, their destructive role, causes, forms and ways of elimination.Документ Політичні злочини як елемент політичного життя.(2011) Тимошенко, В.О.; Тимошенко, В.О.; Timoshenko, VThe institute of political crimes as element of political life is examined in the article. Description of political crimes is given with legal and political science points of view.Документ Реалізація концепції національної держави в сучасному світовому політичному просторі.(2011) Тельнік, М.В.; Тельник, М.В.; Tel'nik, M.The problems of functioning of nationally-state conception of public power realization are examined, in the context of changes which take place in modern outer political space. Attention applies on appearance of new organizational models of national states, capable to fl exibly adapt oneself to quickly changing political terms.Документ Політика держави у формуванні культури громадянськогог суспільства: вибір стратегії.(2011) Сушко, А.І.; Сушко, А.И.; Sushko, AThe world tendencies of modern states cultural policy forming are illu- minated and analysed in the article. The process of modernization of public policy of Ukraine in the fi eld of culture is comprehended.Документ Поняття та сутність міжнародного конфлікту в науці про міжнародні відносини.(2011) Шеренговский, Д.В.; Шеренговський, Д.В.; Sherengovskij, D.The article analyzes the scientifi c approaches to the defi nition and understanding of international confl ict in the Theory of International Relations. The classifi cation of foreign and national scientists of interna- tional confl icts, based on the criteria that constitute the main character-istics of international confl icts is examined. The author draws attention to the structure of international confl icts, conducting system perception of confl ict and refl ecting the infl uence of the system of international rela- tions on the formation of confl ict factors.Документ Правові форми співробітництва держав у сфері санітарно - епідеміологічного благополуччя.(2011) Сажієнко, Н.В.; Сажиенко, Н.В.; Sazhienko, N.The article deals with the causes and processes of states cooperation of area of health. The article analyzes the cooperation of states in health care on the universal, regional and bilateral levels.Документ До питання про визнання збройного конфлікту в Афганістані після 11 вересня 2001 року збройнйм конфліктом міжнародного характеру.(2011) Процун, С.С.; Процун, С.С.; Procun, SThe article deals with the problem of recognition of international war against global terrorism as international armed confl ict in the meaning of the Geneva conventions. It argues that application of the right to self-defence as justifi cation for military interventions by the US, as well as urgent need to regulate the antiterrorist operations and secure human rights make it pos- sible and necessary to grant the status of the international armed confl ict to the war against terrorism by drafting an additional protocol to the Geneva conventions.Документ Системно - синергетична експланація біфуркації політичного процесу в країнах Північної Африки та Близького Сходу на початку 2011 року.(2011) Польовий, М.А.; Полевой, М.А.; Polevoj, MThe article is devoted to analysis of possibilities of system-synergetics description of political processes. From positions of synergetics approach the situation of political process bifurcation in some countries of North Africa and Middle East at the beginning of 2011 is considered.Документ Жіночі ініціативи у публіцистиці другої половини XIX ст. щодо розвитку освіти в Україні.(2011) Петришина, Л.В.; Петришина, Л.В; Petrishina, L.Article is devoted to the analysis of female political journalism of the second half of the ХІХth century and offers on granting of the right of education and its development in the Russian empire and in Ukraine.Документ Розподіл влади : теоретична концепція та практична реалізація в Україні.(2011) Пехник, А.В.; Пехник, А.В.; Pehnik, A.; Козьміних, А.В.; Козьминых, А.В.; Koz'minyh, A.In this article pressing questions of realization of authorities division theoretical conception in Ukraine are examined. Conceptual positions of this theory in aspect of political system modern transformation are analysed.Документ Про однаковысть судовоъ практики : господарський аспект.(2011) Пархета, А.А.; Пархета, А.А.; Parheta, A.The uniformity of the judicial practice and certainty of legal relation has a signifi cant value for establishing of democratic principles of justice in Ukraine. The principal condition of justice is to apply the law equally to all and this is impossible without a uniform, well-established judicial practice.Документ Співвідношення понять "юридична особа" та "колективний суб'ект права" в контексті обгрунтування категорії "складовий колективний суб'єкт права".(2011) Паращевіна, О.А.; Паращевина, О.А.; Parashhevina, OThis article is devoted to analysis of essence of category legal subject. The special attention is spared the study of questions of specifi c collective legal subjects, and similarly classifi cations and authentication in this system component collective legal subject.Документ Теоретичні аспекти військово - патріотичного виховання молоді в сучасній Україні.(2011) Ніколаєв, В.С.; Николаев, В.С.; Nikolaev, V.The article is devoted to analysis of some theoretical problems of system of military-patriotic education of young people in modern Ukraine.Документ Загальне поняття та визначення функцій судів загальної юрисдикції.(2011) Нестерчук, Лілія Петрівна; Нестерчук, Лилия Петровна; Nesterchuk, LAn attempt to fi nd out what behaves to the notion of general jurisdiction courts functions, applying the methods of classifi cation of general and spe- cial signs of functions of these general jurisdiction courts is undertaken in the article. It is indicated on the necessity of fi nding out of essence and main- tenance of functions of general jurisdiction courts for Ukraine, differentiation of concepts, which touches forms, methods and directions of court activity. The effective functioning of general jurisdiction courts in Ukraine hinders to violation of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, shuts out the appropria- tion of judicial department by any other public authority.Документ Правовий і політичний компроміс.(2011) Некіга, С.М.; Некига, С.М.; Nekiga, SCurrently, the political and juridical sciences topical formulation of the problem is not so much on the elimination of political and legal confl icts, much of their settlement, and special attention in the research process on a compromise. The article analyzes the political and legal compromise.Документ Роль УСРП у процесі політизації жіночого руху ( на прикладі функціонування союзу українських працюючих жінок "жіноча громада" ).(2011) Міщук, М.Б.; Мищук, М.Б.; Mishhuk, M.An attempt to consider the process of politicizing of woman motion in Western Ukraine in the context of social and political activity of Union of the Ukrainian working women "Woman society" – auxiliary party organi- zation of USRP and her infl uence on political life of edge in an intermilitary period is done in this article.Документ Співвідношення принципу світськості освіти та права на отримання релігійної освіти у конституційному законодавстві країн - членів Європейського Союзу.(2011) Мельниченко, Н.О.; Мельниченко, Н.О.; Mel'nichenko, N.This article analyzes the principle of secular education, it's support at the constitutional level of EU Member States, as well as the ratio of this concept with the right to religious education.Документ Норми "м'якого права" в механізмі охорони морського середовища.(2011) Короткий, Т. Р.; Короткий, Т. Р.; Korotkyi, T.The article is devoted to complex analysis of aggregate of factors which have infl uence on development of "soft law" as one of legal forms of states collaboration in the sphere of marine environment guard.