Наукові праці Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія». Том 10
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Наукові праці Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія». Т. 10 / голов. ред. С. В. Ківалов ; МОНмолодьспорт України, НУ "ОЮА". – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2011. – 448 с.
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Документ Транснациональное уголовное право: новые возможности и риски(2011) Зелинская, Наталья Анатольевна; Зелінська, Наталя Анатоліївна; Zelinskaja, Natal'jaThe concept and structure of transnational criminal law, and its new development trends are discussed in the article. Important elements in the fight against transnational crime are the UN Security Council resolutions against crime under Chapter VII of the Charter of the UN. On one hand, they have greatly expanded the possibilities of transnational criminal law, while having created new risks on the other. The author concludes that such resolutions play a significant role in the formation of a common anticrime political and legal space under the auspices of the United Nations. However, they cannot be quasi-legislative by nature: their adoption should be linked to specific situations that threaten international peace and security.Документ Соматичні права людини з позицій юридичної антропології(2011) Завальнюк, Володимир Васильович; Завальнюк, Владимир Васильевич; Zaval'njuk, VladimirAnthropological approach to the fourth generation of human rights is used. The need of referring somatic rights to the group of individual human rights is concluded. The system of somatic human rights in Ukrainian law is proposed.Документ Нормативний підхід до аналізу правових санкцій: теоретичний аспект(2011) Заморська, Любов Ігорівна; Заморская, Любовь Игоревна; Zamorskaja, Ljubov'In the article the problem aspects of understanding of the concept «sanctions» are reflected as a structural element of legal norm and normative basis of its co-operating with other elements in the structure of legal norm (by hypothesis and disposition). Drawn conclusion, that the special value of sanction is that it comes forward as an original attribute of the legal norm, unlike other its structural parts, without sanction the legal norm is deprived its force.Документ Понятие и основания правового контрактивизма(2011) Юдін, Зореслав Михайлович; Юдин, Зореслав михайлович; Judin, ZoreslavThe selection of its qualitatively new attributes, by which a new definition of the contract is proposed. Justified that the contract as a general legal category is the center of the entire sphere of phenomena and processes in the legal reality. For its systematic researching suggested the allocation of separate sphere of knowledge about the law — contrantivistics.Документ Криза толерантності(2011) Вітман, Костянтин Миколайович; Витман, Константин Николаевич; Vitman, KonstantinThe reasons and context of toleration crisis are investigated taking into consideration that toleration is foundation stone of poliethnic West European society.Документ Вплив прецедентної практики Європейського суду з прав людини на судову практику України: нові можливості(2011) Вишняков, Олександр Костянтинович; Вишняков, Александр Константинович; Vishnjakov, AleksandrThe inadequate growth of amount of appeals before the European Court on Human Rights in regard to some Council of Europe member-states is caused by the so-called «systemic deficiencies» into these states. One of factors that generate them is a deficit of impact of ECHR practice on national judicial practice. Implementation of precedent practice of ECHR by courts is one of ways to overcome this deficit in Ukraine.Документ Теоретические основы криминалистической методики расследования преступлений: проблемы и тенденции(2011) Тищенко, Валерий Владимирович; Тіщенко, Валерій Володимирович; Tishhenko, ValerijThe article considers the historical preconditions of the formation of the general provisions of forensic methods of investigation as a branch of forensic science. Current approaches to defining the content of the theoretical foundations of forensic methods are identified and analyzed and their importance to the development of methods of the investigation of certain categories of crimes is demonstrated. Special attention is paid to problems of determining the structure of the particular methods of investigation. Trends in theory and methodology of forensic method are indicated and the author's opinion is expressed. The system of scientific statements which form the content of the theoretical foundations of forensic methods of investigation is proposed.Документ Особливості правового мислення офіцерів Збройних Сил України(2011) Скуріхін, Сергій Миколайович; Скурихин, Сергей Николаевич; Skurihin, SergejThe features of the legal thinking of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are considered in the article. Legal thinking is analysed in stage-by-stage dynamics — revealing and evaluation of a problem legal situation, defining of a legal task, acceptance of a legal decision.Документ Основные понятия исходной материально-правовой субстанции "суд" и их соотношение(2011) Скакун, Ольга Федоровна; Скакун, Ольга Федорівна; Skakun, Ol'gaIn the article from the standpoint of systematic and juridical-technical analysis investigated the correlation between «judicial power», «justice», «Judiciary», «justice system» and «judgness». Revealed that the ratio of these categories in the current legislation not only violates the principle of uniformity in the use of concepts, but also introduces elements of «definitive chaos.» Demonstrated that the concept of «justice» and «judiciary» can not be regarded as synonymous, as is it is in legislation. The proposed definition of justice as a form of protection of rights, freedoms and lawful interests of citizens and their associations judiciary, which is expressed in just (benign) examine by court in established by law, procedural forms of civil, criminal, administrative cases and economic disputes, the decision on each case a reasoned decision.Документ Делікти проти людяності як специфічний вид правопорушень(2011) Рабінович, Петро Мойсейович; Рабинович, Петр Моисеевич; Rabinovich, PetrThe article analyzes the delicts against humanness, infringement of which were for the first time announced in the documents of the Nurnberg Trials 1945-1946. The practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the statements of anthropology are invoked.Документ Незалежність судді - правова і соціальна цінність(2011) Полянський, Юрій Євгенович; Полянский, Юрий Евгеньевич; Poljanskij, JurijActual aspects of independence guaranteeing of common jurisdiction courts are scrutinized in the article. Judge's independence essence is analyzed as legal institution and social value, correlation of judge's independence and court autonomy, judicial discretion are researched. Provisions of international and European law concerning judge's independence, decisions of European Court on Human Rights are commented, the prospects of their consideration in national legislation on judge's status are investigated. The essence of several judge's independence guarantees, having interior and exterior character, are exposed. Necessity of limitation judicial immunity due to recommendations of Venice Commission is substantiated, likewise reasonability of material responsibility for inflicted harm.Документ Доктрина Пінкертона в кримінальному праві США:критичний огляд та перспективи вдосконалення(2011) Полянський, Євген Юрійович; Полянский, Евгений Юрьевич; Poljanskij, EvgenijThe author applies to specific features of Pinkerton doctrine — a concept of imputed liability for conspirators, arisen from judicial case. According to the concept, the conspirators are liable for all consequences caused by criminal activity regardless to personal guiltiness and personal contribution. Such approach engenders controversy in science, and in fact — needs revision.Документ Про процесуальні чинники підвищення авторитету судді та суду (на прикладі господарського судочинства)(2011) Подцерковний, Олег Петрович; Подцерковный, Олег Петрович; Podcerkovnyj, OlegThe article is devoted to remedial measures to improve the credibility of the economic courts and judges. Made a number of proposals to the Economic Procedure Code and the Code of Administrative Offences involving the expansion of powers of the courts, the introduction of property qualifications for appealing decisions of the appellate and cassation, increasing liability for contempt of court.Документ Творческий характер юридической педагогики(2011) Овчинникова, Альбина Петровна; Овчиннікова, Альбіна Петрівна; Ovchinnikova, Al'binaIn article is conducting parallel between theatrical and legal pedagogies. There is idea of the use the actor's methods in activity of the teacher of legal discipline.Документ Конституція України діє, конституційні перетворення тривають (до 15-ї річниці Конституції України)(2011) Орзіх, Марко Пилипович; Єзеров, Альберт Анатолійович; Орзих, Марк Филиппович; Езеров, Альберт Анатольевич; Orzih, Mark; Ezerov, Al'bertThe adaption of the Constitution of Ukraine doesn't mark the end of the constitutional reform in the country. The constitutional reform still lasts because of the lack of defined by the science and practice tools of constitutional modernization and reformation. These tools are necessary to create the conditions for building the system of modern Ukrainian constitutionalism.Документ К вопросу о формировании глобальной правовой системы(2011) Оборотов, Юрий Николаевич; Оборотов, Юрій Миколайович; Oborotov, JurijIn the process of globalization the national, integrative and international law are changing, what involves the forming of the new legal reality — global law. Global law has a specific content, which expressed in the phenomenon of «soft law», and implicates new special subject with peculiar legal status.Документ Лексико-семантический анализ письменного текста как средство идентификации лмчности адресанта(2011) Мизецкая, Вера Ярославовна; Мізецька, Віра Ярославівна; Mizeckaja, VeraThe article is devoted to the problems of the personal identification on the basis of the lexicon, the factors of gender, nationality, social status being analyzed in detail.Документ Органы территориального общественного самоуправления в системе местного самоуправления(2011) Мишина, Наталья Викторовна; Мішина, Наталія Вікторівна; Mishina, Natal'jaThe article is dedicated to the problem of reasonability of including the bodies of territorial social self-government to the municipal system. Author bases pros and contras of different approaches on the historic and foreign experience.Документ Деякі питання визначення правового статусу митних посередників в Україні(2011) Міщенко, Ілона Володимирівна; Мищенко, Илона Владимировна; Mishhenko, IlonaThe article is dedicated to the general principles of enterprises providing intermediary customs services. The author mentions the features and characters of customs intermediaries. Peculiarity of their legal status and causing factors are researched. The author's definition of category «customs intermediary» is given.Документ Просторова основа міської правосвідомості(2011) Мельничук, Ольга Степанівна; Мельничук, Ольга Степановна; Mel'nichuk, Ol'gaIn the article from the points of general theoretical jurisprudence the category of urban legal consciousness is based. The space criteria of legal consciousness classification on urban, peripheral and national is grounded. The structural elements of urban legal consciousness are defined: space (territorial) ideology and space (territorial) psychology.
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