Актуальні проблеми політики. - 2011. - Випуск 42
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Документ Зудіхін О.В. Правова природа права на судовий захист.(2011) Зудіхін, О.В.; Зудихин, О.В.; Zudihin, О.The scientifi c article is devoted to the study of the right to judicial protec- tion as a constitutional and civil rights. Based on the analysis of the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, the general theoretical provisions of civil law the legal nature, the characteristics of judicial remedies as a defi nite possibility of legal persons whose rights and legitimate interests or freedoms are violated, unrecognized or disputed.Документ Міфи позитивного права та сучасна правова традиція(2011) Завальнюк, Володимир Васильович; Завальнюк, Владимир Васильевич; Zavalniuk, V.Equality of man and society or humanity as a whole means that person by virtue of its spirituality is an individual embodiment of the total; that is why all of humanity remains rightless even if there is only one of its representative. So let to start solving metaproblem of law not from law in sociology and anthropology of law. The study of law should start with research mikrojurisprudence as the genesis of the inherent rights, analysis of its origins, causes and conditions of its emergence and development.Документ Конституційно-правові засади захисту прав корінних народів Російської Федерації(2011) Вітман, Костянтин Миколайович; Витман, Константин Николаевич; Wittmann, КThe legal mechanism of indigenous peoples' protection in Russian Federation is analyzed. Much attention is paid to the defi nition of "indigenous people" concept, its legal status in Russian law.Документ Реорганізація інституту градоначальництва в отаманство у структурі української держави доби гетьманату П. Скоропадського(2011) Юрій, І. А.; Юрий, И.А.; Yuri, І.Article is devoted to the legal aspects city management as institute of state authority and its transformation in conditions of Pavel Skoropadsky's Getmanat.Документ Міжнародно-правові стандарти правового регулювання працевлаштування молоді.(2011) Трюхан, Оксана Анатоліївна; Трюхан, Оксана Анатольевна; Triukhan, ОThis article is devoted to the research of the peculiarities of the legal regu- lation of the youth work. The paper analyzes the international legal acts and some labor laws of Ukraine. The paper deals with the right of young people to work in the system of human rights and freedoms. Peculiarities of the legal regulation of the working conditions of the young workers are also studiedДокумент До проблем визначення завдань кримінального процесу(2011) Стратонов, В.М.The analysis of tasks of criminal process of Ukraine is conducted. Author characterizes present problem questions touching tasks of criminal procedure and offers ways of their decision.Документ Правила митної оцінки за правом світової організації торговлі(2011) Скринька, Д. В.; Скрынька, Д. В.; Skrynka, D.The article deals with the main provisions of WTO law on the estab- lishment of the customs value of products. The article deals, among other things, with the correlation between WTO law rules on this issue and the transfer pricing. The article points out that the customs valuation rules are complicated and that it is important to comply strictly with WTO law rules in order to take advantage of the benefi ts of membership in this international organization.Документ Особливості закону про кримінальну відповідальність за військові злочини 1958 року(2011) Шершенькова, Вікторія Анатоліївна; Шершенькова, Виктория Анатольевна; Shershenkova, V.The article devoted research stage of historical development criminal legislation of Ukraine is about soldiery crimesis during Soviet period (50th years of the XX century).Документ Профспілки як суб'єкти соціального партнерства на стороні працівників(2011) Шамшина, І. І.; Шамшина., И. И.; Shamshina, І.The signifi cance of the trade unions as subjects of labour law is investigated, their place in social partnership is identifi ed. The gaps in legal regulation of status of trade unions in the domestic labour law are distinguished and ways to overcome them are suggested. The proposals to improve labour laws, regulating of trade union epresentation in the social partnership, are developed.Документ Специфіка формування політичної конкуренції еліт в українському суспільстві(2011) Щедров, С. В.; Щедров, С. В.; Shhedrov, S.The problem of the forms of political interaction between the elites is analysed, the specifi c of political competition elites in the process of modernizing Ukraine's political system is determined.Документ Комп'ютерне картографування у вивченні політичних процесів.(2011) Польовий, Микола Анатолійович; Полевой, Николай Анатольевич; Polevoj, NThe article is devoted to analysis of possibilities and problems of ap- plication of modern computer cartography methods – GIS-technologies – in research of political processes. Some perspective ways and limitations of GIS- technologies application in political science are determined.Документ Формалізація санкцій в федеральному законодавстві та кримінально-правовій доктрині США:передумови та наслідки.(2011) Полянський, Євгєн Юрійович; Polyanskiy, Yevgen Yu.; Полянский, Евгений ЮрьевичIn the article genesis of the formalized system of determination punishment in the federal criminal statute of the USA, and also general scientifi c approaches to application of criminal sanctions in the USA are illuminated.Документ Україна в інтеграційних проектах країн заходу і сходу(2011) Панасюк, В. А.; Panasyuk, V; Панасюк, В. А.This paper studies the geopolitical struggle of the leading integration structures of East and West for the dominant infl uence on the Ukrainian state. We study ways to integrate Ukraine into the world community. Characterized model of integration policy. The features of European and Eurasian paradigm of integration processes.Документ Філософське обгрунтування бзпеки життєдіяльності(2011) Нетудихатка, О. Ю.; Нетудыхатка, О. Ю.; Netudyhatka, О.The article analyzes the main philosophical writings, underlying understanding of role and importance of safety of human life. Life safety – integrated science because it has many connections with other sciences and therein lies its richness and complexity. Person, depriving the diffi culties of life, no objections, having no points of resistance, gradually weakens, atrophies and becomes a weak link in this world organization and thinking – interrelated concepts underlies the proper management and rational mode of life.Документ Принцип справедливості як основний критерій взаємодії особистості та державної влади(2011) Мінченко, Раїса Михайлівна; Минченко, Раиса Михайловна; Minchenko, R.In this article the maintenance, an essence and criteria of a principle of justice in a context of the interaction of the person and government reveals.Документ Стадії політичного процесу - теоретичні аспекти(2011) Мацкевич, Р. М.; Мацкевич, Р. М.; Mackevich, R.Questions of political process structure which consists of row of stages consistently accomplished and cyclic repetitive are examined in the article. Analysis of political process allows to distinguish in its structure, at fi rst, partial political processes or groups of relatively independent political actions, which forms in aggregate motion of political life on the whole, secondly, stages in change of state of political reality.Документ Правове положення народних засідателів народних судів УРСР в 50 - х роках ХХ ст.(2011) Лисакова, Тетяна Володимирівна; Лисакова, Татьяна Владимировна; Lisakova, Т.In this article an author examines a question about legal position of folk assessors in Ukraine in 50 years of ХХ century. The special attention is spared the order of electing, composition, basic rights and duties of folk assessors in accordance with a legislation in this period.Документ Правове регулювання дисципліни праці в Україні та зарабіжних країнах : порівняльно - правовий аспект(2011) Лазор, І. В.; Лазор, И. В.; Lazor, І.The content, the signifi cance of discipline in the labour market conditions are explored. The legal regulation of labour discipline in the Ukrainian labour legislation is analyzed, expedience and direction of its systematization are investigated. The experience of legal regulation of labour discipline in foreign countries is explored and proposals for the use of this experience in domestic labour laws are investigated.Документ Юридичний аспект "Пілатова гріха" : між владою і правом ( за романом М. О. Булгакова "Майстер і Маргарита")(2011) Кругляк, Ю. В.; Кругляк, Ю. В.; Krugljak, Yu.The article deals with matters of Pontius Pilate's guilt and responsibility from the viewpoint of the theory of law and state proceeding from the events as depicted in the novel "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov. The trial of Yeshua Ha-Nozri was analyzed as regards to the compliance with the legal procedure of that time. Further, the notion of legal conscience as well as its role in the process of legal decision-making was researched into.Документ Міжнародні стандарти судового захисту прав людини та їх імплементація в систему правозахисту в Україні(2011) Крижановський, В. Я.; Крыжановский, В. Я.; Kryzhanovskij, V.In the article international legal standards of human rights judicial remedy and their adaptation in the system of rights protection in Ukraine in the context of the modern stage of judicature-law reform are considered.