Сотула Олександр Сергійович
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Документ The substrate of criminal-legal influence(Universidad del Zulia, 2021) Козаченко, Олександр Васильович; Козаченко, О. В.; Козаченко, Александр Васильевич; Kozachenko, Oleksandr V.; Сотула, Олександр Сергійович; Сотула, О. С.; Сотула, Александр Сергеевич; Sotula, Oleksandr S.; Бібленко, Василь Станіславович; Бібленко, В. С.; Библенко, Василий Станиславович; Biblenko, Vasyl S.; Гуляков, Костянтин Володимирович; Гуляков, К. В.; Гуляков, Константин Владимирович; Huliakov, Kostiantyn V.; Giulyakov, Kostiantyn; Березніков, Олександр Володимирович; Березніков, О. В.; Березников, Александр Владимирович; Bereznikov, Oleksandr V.The aim of the article is found on the idea of measure as a substrate of criminal-legal influence. The publication proposes to consider the measure as a substrate of external forms of legal influence and criminal-legal measure as a primary element of all external forms of criminal-legal influence (in connection with the commission of a criminal act). The analysis allows us to conclude that the substrate of legal influence is a basic element of socio-legal regulation (which substantively combines a system of techniques and methods of influence used to obtain a positive and socially significant result). It should be understood that a criminal-legal measure is a system of techniques and methods of coercive and rehabilitation-encouraging influence of the state on criminal practices (criminal offenses, objectively illegal acts, abuse of law) and lawful post-criminal behavior, which is carried out by the law, determined by the socio-cultural environment. It is concluded that such ideas of Leonardo Polo as coexistence, the abandonment of mental limit, his thoughts on ethics, knowledge, and law can be applied successfully when the criminal-legal measure is characterized by several features that distinguish it from measures of the legal influence of another industry.Документ Constitutional regulation and financing of elections(Editorial Primmate S. A. S., 2019) Латковська, Тамара Анатоліївна; Латковська, Т. А.; Латковская, Тамара Анатольевна; Latkovska, Tamara A.; Сотула, Олександр Сергійович; Сотула, О. С.; Сотула, Александр Сергеевич; Sotula, Oleksandr S.; Латковський, Павло Павлович; Латковський, П. П.; Латковский, Павел Павлович; Latkovskyi, Pavlo P.; Latkovskyy, Pavlo; Глиняний, Іван Володимирович; Глиняний, І. В.; Глиняный, Иван Владимирович; Hlynianyi, Ivan V.The article focuses on problems of constitutional regulation of elections and requirements for candidates for representative positions in a democratic society. The issue of financing elections and solutions for this problem were considered, taking into account the "financial" qualification that was set at the legislative level in many democratic states of the world. The terminology that is present in the constitutional legal science concerning the regulation of elections is analyzed, the stages in the election process are considered and the main problems that occur during this process are revealed. In the course of the study of the topic, the author concludes on the need for financial control and monitoring of expenditures from the state budget during the electoral process, not only to detect a violation of legislation or to identify financial crimes, but also to determine the profitability of the electoral process as a whole, for its reformation and to reduce budget expenses during the elections. Also, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to bring the financial qualification to the financial capability of all citizens of the state for each subsequent election, proceeding from the official minimum and average salaries.Документ Constitutional Principles of Contractual Representation in Ukraine: Problems of Theory and Practice(ASERS Publishing System, 2019) Цюра, Вадим Васильович; Цюра, В. В.; Цюра, Вадим Васильевич; Tsiura, Vadym V.; Сулейманова, Сусанна Рефатівна; Сулейманова, С. Р.; Сулейманова, Сусанна Рефатовна; Suleimanova, Susanna R.; Сотула, Олександр Сергійович; Сотула, О. С.; Сотула, Адександр Сергеевич; Sotula, Oleksandr S.; Панасюк, Віта Миколаївна; Панасюк, В. М.; Панасюк, Вита Николаевна; Panasiuk, Vita M.; Добровольська, Володимира Володимирівна; Добровольська, В. В.; Добровольская, Владимира Владимировна; Dobrovolska, Volodymyra V.The research is devoted to the issue of the nature and essence of the contractual representation as a legal relationship and a constitutional principle.The current understanding of the institution of representation in the context of the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine and the Civil Code of Ukraine is ambiguous and this problem needs to be solved. In order to determine the true meaning of the legal institute of representation, the authors of the article made an attempt to study it through the lens of the norms of the current constitution of Ukraine.The methods of scientific research, used by the authors are the analysis, the synthesis, the deduction and induction,the comparison-legal method. All these methods in their convergence made it possible to find out the current state of the existing legislation and legal doctrine in the context of contractual representation and to offer the authors’ own vision of directions of improvement of the studied legal institute.In the result of the study the authors made a conclusion that a contractual representation is a kind of representation, arising out of a contract or other act that underlies the will of the person represented (the principal) and the person representing (the attorney) and the agreement between them. It is important for both the practice of law and the theory of law that the understanding of the essence of the said institute and the approaches to regulating relations of representation in the Civil Code and in the Civil Procedure Code be the same.Документ Умисне вбивство при перевищеннi меж необхiдної оборони або у разi перевищення заходiв, необхiдних для затримання злочинця: порiвняльно-правове дослiдження(Одеса : ПРЦ НАПрН України, 2018) Сотула, Олександр Сергійович; Сотула, О. С.; Сотула, Адександр Сергеевич; Sotula, Oleksandr S.Стаття присвячена кримінально-правовому дослідженню норми, яка передбачає відповідальність за умисне вбивство при перевищенні меж необхідної оборони або у разі перевищення заходів, необхідних для затримання злочинця в законодавстві країн романо-германської правової сім’ї. На основі системного аналізу вітчизняних і зарубіжних досліджень, монографій і іншої літератури визначені особливості кваліфікації цього злочину проти життя та властивості законодавства країн континентального права.Документ Умисне вбивство, вчинене способом, небезпечним для життя багатьох осіб, у законодавстві країн романо-германської правової сім'ї(2014) Сотула, Олександр Сергійович; Сотула, Адександр Сергеевич; Sotula, Aleksandr