Камінський Петро Валерійович
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Документ Окремі питання криміналізації примушування до шлюбу(Одеса : Видавництво «Юридика», 2023) Камінський, Петро Валерійович; Камінський, П. В.; Kaminskyi, Petro V.Документ Щодо об’єкта злочину «примушування до шлюбу»(Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2022) Камінський, Петро Валерійович; Камінський, П. В.; Каминский, Петр Валерьевич; Kaminskyi, Petro V.Документ The protection of suffrage through legal remedies(Editorial Primmate S. A. S., 2019) Колодін, Денис Олексійович; Колодін, Д. О.; Колодин, Денис Алексеевич; Kolodin, Denys O.; Колодіна, Анна Сергіївна; Колодіна, А. С.; Колодина, Анна Сергеевна; Kolodina, Anna S.; Камінський, Петро Валерійович; Камінський, П. В.; Каминский, Петр Валерьевич; Kaminskyi, Petro V.This article is devoted to the issue of the legal protection of citizens' electoral rights. The object of the study is the social relations that arise during the realization by citizens of their electoral rights. The subject of the study is the legal remedies for the protection of the citizens' electoral rights. Moreover, the novelty of this article is that it first attempted to identify the problems of the electoral rights of Ukrainian citizens, and to indicate ways to overcome them. The purpose of the article is a systematic analysis of the electoral rights of citizens, the identification of problems of protection of data rights and the determination of proposals to improve the mechanism of protection of electoral rights of citizens. The key methods of scientific research are general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, dialectical and logical methods. Specific methods to be used in the study will be: comparative, forensic, and formal legal. In the conclusion the authors highlighted the most promising measures for the protection of citizens' electoral rights and established that there are two main forms of suffrage protection: judicial and extra-judicial.Документ International standards on the rights of convicted persons in places of imprisonment(University of Zulia, 2021) Підгородинський, Вадим Миколайович; Підгородинський, В. М.; Подгородинский, Вадим Николаевич; Pidhorodynskyi, Vadym M.; Pidgorodynskyi, Vadym; Тихоненко, Вадим Миколайович; Тихоненко, В. М.; Тихоненко, Вадим Николаевич; Tykhonenko, Vadym M.; Цехан, Дмитро Миколайович; Цехан, Д. М.; Цехан, Дмитрий Николаевич; Tsekhan, Dmytro M.; Камінський, Петро Валерійович; Камінський, П. В.; Каминский, Петр Валерьевич; Kaminskyi, Petro V.; Кравченко, Сергій Петрович; Кравченко, С. П.; Кравченко, Сергей Петрович; Kravchenko, Serhii P.The relationship between crime and punishment has never been isolated. Under the influence of socio-economic, political, and cultural changes, metamorphoses of the institution of execution of punishments took place; in particular, the rights of convicts were liberalized. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the historiography of this phenomenon in terms of international standards, as well as the peculiarities of their implementation. The work aims to characterize the implementation of international standards on the rights of prisoners in terms of historiography and legal regulation. The object of research is the norms of international law. The subject of the study is social relations that arise in the implementation of international standards on the rights of convicts in prisons. The research methods were dialectical, systemic, structural, formal-legal, historical-legal, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction. As a result, international standards for the rights of prisoners serve as a model, an example of rational social relations in the penitentiary environment. Key aspects that should be universally taken into account by the governments of all countries are identified and described.Документ Історичний аспект кримінально-правового регулювання захисту осіб від примушування до шлюбу(Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2021) Камінський, Петро Валерійович; Kaminskyi, Petro V.