Physiological and psychological condition of victim of criminal offense in Ukraine
Мудрак, Інна Василівна
Мудрак, І. В.
Мудрак, Инна Васильевна
Mudrak, Inna V.
Гловюк, Ірина Василівна
Гловюк, І. В.
Гловюк, Ирина Васильевна
Hloviuk, Iryna V.
Мурзановська, Аліна Владиславівна
Мурзановська, А. В.
Назва журналу
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Назва тому
Editorial Primmate S. A. S.
The article is elaborated at the turn of medical psychology and jurisprudence and is devoted to the problems of implementing the right of the victim to procedural communication during criminal proceedings in connection with the physiological and psychological condition of the victim of a criminal offense.The authors conclude that the victim must be recognized as the proper subject of the right to free legal assistance (at the expense of the state), taking into account the psycho-emotional condition of the victim, and in some cases also the physiological condition (amenia, akineticmutism, apalicsyndrome, sopor, coma, lethargy), indicating the inability to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the victim.As a result of the study, there is a need to ensure the rights and freedoms of victims in criminal proceedings and existence, which will not be lifethreatening for health.The implementation of measures to restore the mental health of victims of a criminal offense is underlined, given that fear and negative emotional experiences can cause not only mental and moral suffering, but also physical (somatic) disease.
Бібліографічний опис
Mudrak I. Physiological and psychological condition of victim of criminal offense in Ukraine / I. Mudrak, I. Hloviuk, A. Murzanovska, V. Voloshyna // Amazonia Investiga. – Vol. 8. - Issue 19. – Editorial Primmate S. A. S., 2019. – P. 34-42.
Ключові слова
victim, physiological condition, criminal proceedings, free legal assistance, psychological expertise, потерпілий, психологічний стан, фізіологічний стан, кримінальне провадження, безоплатна правнича допомога, психологічна експертиза, Research Subject Categories::LAW/JURISPRUDENCE
Mudrak I. Physiological and psychological condition of victim of criminal offense in Ukraine / I. Mudrak, I. Hloviuk, A. Murzanovska, V. Voloshyna // Amazonia Investiga. – Vol. 8. - Issue 19. – Editorial Primmate S. A. S., 2019. – P. 34-42.